Super Seconds Festival - The Jaunty Fig
It's here we have now entered the week which ends with the joyous Super Seconds Festival on Sat 1st & Sun 2nd April!!! It is going to be an epic weekend of 250 creative super stars who will be offering some incredible discounts for those fastest finger first shoppers out there. Remember if you want to plan your shopping like the bargain ninja you are the best way to do this is head on over to the Maker Lineup and create a wishlist of your faves, so on the big day you can tick them off one by one. With this small blog series I've been enjoying highlighting and getting to know some of my fellow sellers and today it's the turn of a Super Seconds first timer, so please give a hearty and warm welcome to The Jaunty Fig, whose cheery and colourful clothes are sure to brighten your day.
Lauren, founder and creator of The Jaunty Fig, makes happy clothes for colourful souls. The softest, comfiest, most joyful unisex t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies inspired by calm, quiet, happy days. All designed and drawn by her, printed with planet-friendly inks and hand-pressed in my happy little craft room near Leek in Staffordshire. Under the watchful eyes of her deaf rascally rescue pup.
What is your earliest creative memory?
My earliest creative memory is kind of a tricky one. And one I think held me back from creativity for a long time. I remember being at parents’ evening at high school. My teacher asked which subject out of English and Art I wanted to spend more time on. I said Art, the adults laughed and I went bright red. It’s only in the last few years I’ve realised I AM a creative person. Creativity can be anything you want it to be. If the spark lives in your soul, let it run free.
Ooh great question. I have quite a busy brain, so I tend to feel the most inspired when everything around me feels calm and I can think clearly. So for me, that means getting stuff out of my head onto paper or verbalising it with a mate. All the good stuff that gives my imagination space to breathe.
What Super Seconds deals should we look out for from you?
I’ll be cramming my sale full of old friends and imperfect treasures, all with up to 50% off. They’re colourful, comfy and perfect for plant-loving, dog-hugging, beach-roaming introverts.
If these sweatshirts and tees are half as comfy as they look then you'll be one happy and very snuggly bunny if you treat yourself to one! I think Lauren has most definitely shown, those stinky adults who laughed at her creative dreams, how very wrong they were! Her crisp clean designs paired with the joyfully colourful clothes are a delight, so head on over to her shop to plan your purchases for your Super Seconds Festival!