Super Seconds Festival - Ink & Bear
Well it's here Super Seconds Festival eve, so I hope you've all been limbering up your fingers in preparation, we don't want any injuries in the quest to bag those beautiful bargains. With 250 amazing makers to choose from there's plenty of loveliness to choose from and if you haven't already there's still time to head on over to the Maker Lineup and create a wishlist of your faves, to make tomorrow's shopping extravaganza go swimmingly.
I hope you've all enjoyed this little series of blogs I've done, I know I have certainly enjoyed getting to know my fellow makers and shall definitely be partaking in a bit of shopping myself! For the final maker shout out I've got a very special guest, the fabulous Sophie of Ink & Bear, the incredible brains behind this joyous and inspiring event!!
Sophie, founder of Ink & Bear has been printmaking for nearly 17 years and loves teaching people creative techniques such as printmaking and collage. With over 13 years experience working in small businesses, she's a total business and organisation nerd and loves helping other small businesses, which she's more than done in spades by creating the incredible Super Seconds Festival.
Before we get into the interview portion of the blog I think it's time for a quick origin story...so read on to find out how Super Seconds came into being. It all started in September 2020 in the middle of lock down after Sophie printed a whole pile of t-shirts that went ever so slightly wrong. Launching the idea just a few weeks before the first event she thought only a few makers would be joining her, in fact there were 250, a truly incredible event that keeps going from strength to strength!
What is your earliest creative memory?
My Mum and Dad are both creative and have encouraged me from an early age to be creative - but a memory that really stands out for me is getting dressed up as a Van Gogh painting when I was little on holiday! My Mum is a retired primary school teacher so we were always painting and getting creative - she's one of my biggest inspirations.
What fires your imagination?
I love to visit galleries and to travel and I find meeting other creatives really inspiring. The amazing community of makers is something I absolutely love about Super Seconds Festival and I find it so inspiring. I also love trying out new techniques and learning new creative skills - I find blind continuous line drawing an amazing way of freeing you up if you feel a bit stuck!
What Super Seconds deals should we look out for from you?
I've recently made the decision to wind down products to focus on my strategy and planning service for small businesses (and organising Super Seconds Festival of course!) - so that means it's time for a big stock clear out! I'll be selling hand screen printed t-shirts, plant bags, prints, pouches and collage packs! You'll be able to grab some serious bargains because after this I'll be closing my shop for good! You can see the types of things I'll have available over at www.inkandbear.co.uk/shop.
I don't think I'm wrong in saying that Sophie is adored by all the makers that take part, she creates such a warm and supportive atmosphere and there's such a positive vibe about the whole thing! Super Seconds Festival is a wonderful bright spot in the creative calendar for both makers, buyers and fans of indie biz. With money tight for many it's a great and affordable way to support small and shop indie. Three cheers to Sophie. Let's give her products a rip roaring send off and get excited for all the amazing businesses she'll be helping with her new venture! Enjoy Super Seconds Festival everyone!